

Patients who have prominent ears may be suitable for pinnaplasty. This is a procedure that pins the ears back so that they are closer to the head and stick out less. The operation can be done under general or local anaesthetic. The scars are placed on the back of the ears to make them less visible. Internal sutures are used to mould the cartilage of the ear, thus re-shaping them and pinning them back.

The operation takes around 2 hours. Risks include infection, scarring, bleeding, and asymmetries. Very occasionally a keloid scar can occur which is a more obvious scar than normal. This can be treated.

Time Scale

Patients can usually go home the same day as surgery and will have a head bandage for a week. You will be seen in follow up clinic by Mr Marlborough after 1 week, and then again at 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 6 months.

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