With ageing, the eyebrows often descend to a lower position than previously. This results in using the forehead muscle to raise the eyebrows more frequently and can contribute to forehead wrinkles. If the brow needs to be lifted this can be done in several ways. A direct brow lift places the scar immediately above the eyebrow and is suited more to male patients and those with thicker eyebrows. Endoscopic browlifts use scars placed up in the hairline to raise the eyebrows to a higher position and often use temporary "endotines" which sit under the forehead skin and hold the tissues up. These take a few months to dissolve and can be felt under the skin until they dissolve.
The operation takes around 2 hours and is usually done under general anaesthetic. Risks include infection, scars, and bleeding. There is a risk of "alopecia" (no hair growth) within the areas of scar placement. Some numbness in the forehead and scalp can occur after surgery, and there is also a small risk of weakness in moving the eyebrow after surgery. This is usually temporary.
Brow lift

Time Scale
Patients usually go home on the same day as surgery. You will be seen in follow up clinic by Mr Marlborough after 1 week, and then again at 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 6 months.