A tummy tuck is an operation where excess skin and tissue are removed from the lower abdomen below the belly button. Patients often seek this surgery when they have noticed an excess of skin and fat in the lower abdomen. This is often after previous pregnancies or weight loss. Often the rectus (aka 6-pack) muscles have drifted away from the midline over time and need to be tightened as part of the operation. The belly button (umbilicus) is brought out through a new opening after the skin has been re-draped after the tummy tuck.
The operation takes around 3-4 hours and is often combined with some liposuction to the flanks. It is performed under general anaesthetic. The scar runs from hip to hip and is usually low hidden under trousers/beltline, however, this is not guaranteed as scars can sometimes rise up with time or tension on the skin. Other risks include infection, bleeding, haematoma, seroma, asymmetries and general anaesthetic risks such as DVT (leg blood clots).
Tummy tuck

Time Scale
Patients need to stay in the hospital for 1-3 nights and then can be discharged with advice and simple analgesia. You will be seen in a follow-up clinic by Mr Marlborough after 1 week, and then again at 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 6 months.