In male patients who have an excess of breast tissue this can be addressed with surgery. This usually involves liposuction of the fatty component of the breast tissue and somtimes removal of the "glandular", firmer part of the breast tissue. The glandular part is removed with an incision usually around the nipple to hide the scar.
The operation is done under general anaesthetic. Risks include infection, scar, bleeding and asymmetries. Altered sensation of the nipples can occur. Seromas are collections of fluid days or weeks after surgery and these can occur. They are usually treated easily by draining the fluid.
Gynaecomastia surgery

Time Scale
This procedure is often a day case but sometimes patients will stay in hospital overnight. You will need to wear a compression vest to help reduce swelling post operatively. You will be seen in follow up clinic by Mr Marlborough after 1 week, and then again at 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 6 months