Mastopexy is an operation to lift the breast to a higher position on the chest. The nipple-areolar complex also gets lifted to a higher position. This operation is usually suited to patients who have breasts that have drooped either naturally or related to previous pregnancy and changes associated with breastfeeding. The volume of the breast does not change much with a mastopexy but the tissue is lifted, excess skin removed and the breast re-shaped to a more youthful appearance. Sometimes an implant is used in combination with a breast lift if an increased volume is also desired.
The operation takes around 3 hours, and results in an anchor scar pattern (circular scar around the areola, a vertical line from the areola down to the crease, and then a horizontal line in the breast crease). It is performed under general anaesthetic
Risks and potential complications of mastopexy will be discussed. These include infection, scar, bleeding, altered nipple sensation, loss of the blood supply to the nipple resulting in the nipple not surviving, and breast asymmetries.
If you are considering breast lift surgery and would like to discuss things further, please feel free to contact us for a consultation with Mr Marlborough.
Mastopexy (Breast lift)

Time Scale
Mastopexy is often a day case procedure, but sometimes an overnight stay is required. You will be seen in a follow up clinic by Mr Marlborough after 1 week, and then again at 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 6 months.